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for term(s): Luke
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Displaying 1 to 32 (of 86 image sets)
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 Last Supper 
 Last Supper 
 The Cyrenaean 
 The Cyrenaean 
 Open Tomb 
 Open Tomb 
 King of the Jews 
 King of the Jews 
 Lead Me To the Cross 
 Lead Me To the Cross 
 Holy Communion 
 Holy Communion 
 Story of Easter 
 Story of Easter 
 Lessons on the Mount 
 Lessons on the Mount 
 Daddy Playing 
 Daddy Playing 
 A Father's Example 
 A Father's Example 
 The Appearing 
 The Appearing 
 Final Events 
 Final Events 
 Lost Sheep 
 Lost Sheep 
 Lost Coin 
 Lost Coin 
 Christmas Ball 2 
 Christmas Ball 2 
 Painted Christmas 
 Painted Christmas 
 Manger 2 
 Manger 2 
 Christ's Hand Valentine 
 Christ's Hand Valentine 
 Holy Family 
 Holy Family 
 Joy of the World 
 Joy of the World 
 The Greatest Gift of All 
 The Greatest Gift of All 
 Christmas Welcome 
 Christmas Welcome 
 Luke 2 Tree 
 Luke 2 Tree 
 Christmas Journey 
 Christmas Journey 
 Joy Ornaments 
 Joy Ornaments 
Displaying 1 to 32 (of 86 image sets)
Result Pages:  1  2  3  [Next >>] 

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